Thursday, March 31, 2011

To the Church in Herkimer

by Pastor Mark Andersen

On a Sunday morning in late January, just after studying together the seven letters to the churches in Revelation, chapters 2-3, those in worship were asked to write down what they thought Jesus would say to the Herkimer Reformed Church if he were to address and send a letter to this church.

There was a section to fill out that began, “I know your works…”; a section that began, “I have this against you…”; and a section that began, “This I like about you…”. The members of the congregation filled out each section and placed them in the offering plate so that I and the consistory could review and consider the congregation’s responses.

Three main areas of concern emerged from the congregation’s responses. What follows is a consolidation of the congregation’s responses.

To the angel of the church in Herkimer write: These are the words of the Lamb who was slaughtered, and by whose blood saints from every tribe and language and people and nation have been ransomed.

I know your works. You feed the hungry and care for those who are in great need.

But you have fallen from your first love. You do not put me first in your lives. You are selfish and self-centered with your time and treasure, focused on yourselves, neglecting worship, often living for your own ambitions rather than my Kingdom.

You remain comfortable in your pews and in your homes and do not go out and share the Good News of the Kingdom of God with the people in your community. You pretend to love those who come to you, but you do not. You help those who are favored among you, but shun the least, the addicts, and those you don’t understand.

You allow petty things to affect your relationships with one another, gossiping, spreading rumors, and squabbling over money and property. You resist the leadership I provide for you and are often divided by issues of the church building and the content or length of the worship service. You are easily distracted by minor disagreements and perceived insults.

Repent, and turn from the ways in which you have walked.

But I see glimpses of faithfulness in you, and I see great hope for your future. You are growing and trying to be faithful, increasing in faith and your knowledge of me. You hold fast to my Word and trust in me. You pray for each other, lifting up those in need. I will continue to bless you.

Keep my word and patiently endure every trial and tribulation.

Those who conquer will be redeemed from humankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie is found; they are blameless.

Let the one with ears listen to what the Spirit says to the church.

This letter was read at the Ash Wednesday Worship Feast service and those gathered there had the opportunity to express what in the letter concerned them and what in it encouraged them.

I’d like for us all, in this season of Lent…a season of confession and sacrifice to consider what in this letter might be especially true of you. What is the Spirit saying to you? Consider what sin…what deficiency…what shortcoming…in you the Spirit might be speaking to through this letter, confess it before God, and change your behavior or practice in order to better please God.

If you need assistance in this regard or just someone to talk to about it, please don’t hesitate to contact myself, the Elder of the Month, or another trusted Christian brother or sister.

Lent is a season of repentance, confession, and sacrifice. Let anyone with ears, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.

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